A good train of thought - keep on creating a financial reserve and invest in a way so your property is not losing value. Just to have money is not enough regardless of the amount in the account, whether it is 1é million or 100,000. What is important is what you do with the money. This approach separates the best from the average ones.
The difference between Czech households and the wealthiest people in the world can be discerned at the first glance. Czech households have their portfolio set up this way: 70 % in banks and insurance companies, 19 % in real estate, 9 % in portfolio investments, and 2 % in stock. But the wealthiest people have it this way: 12 % in banks and insurance companies, 16 % in real estate, 37 % in portfolio investments, and 35 % in stock.
Whereas 70 % of regular households received in the last 7 years valuation of 0.1 - 0.5 % annually before taxes, the wealthy ones enjoy the valuation of 8 - 12 % annually after taxes.
Get in touch with our consultant who will answer any of your questions without you having to feel trapped.
At Bonites, we help our clients to understand the habits of the wealthy investors and their meaning. We explain the differences between saving and investing. We create a network of crucial factors that you need to take into account when thinking about an investment. These are mainly the investment term, volatility, and liquidity. we diversify finances among the individual product types, beginning the the checking and savings accounts, building savings, and going through term deposits in banks and savings groups and investment funds (stock, bond, real estate, financial market), and ending at the direct purchase of stock, bonds, and real estate.
Wealthy clients prefer investment funds, Thanks to these funds you are able to purchase shares of world-wide known companies such as Apple, Tesla, McDonald's, Gillete, Nestle or from the Czech companies ČEZ, etc. Many people are surprised that is is possible to participate on the profit of these companies when investing just CZK 100 a month.
To select the right funds we let our partners help: Conseq, Franklin Templeton, Parvest, Generali Investments, Amundi (Pioneer), HSBC, Black Rock, Fidelity Funds, BNP Paribas, C-Quadrat, NN Investment Partners, etc.
When talking about real estate funds, we choose among the well-established brands like Investika, WMS Realita, DRFG AIF Real Estate Fund či Reico.
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